
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Write how we could improve our service and whether you are satisfied with it. Thank you!

My mail is about: (rippvalik)

general activity of the company

store in Lasnamäe Centrum in Tallinn

store in Sikupilli Keskus in Tallinn

store in Magistrali Keskus in Tallinn

store in Kristiine Keskus in Tallinn

store in Viru Keskus in Tallinn

store in Ülemiste Keskus in Tallinn

store in Stockmanni Kaubamaja in Tallinn

store in Lõunakeskus in Tartu

store in Eeden in Tartu

store in Tartu Kaubamaja

store in Pärnu

store in Haapsalu

store in Viljandi

store in Rakvere

store in Narva



To thank

To criticise

To ask a question

To make a suggestion


I would like to get an answer:

To my e-mail

In written form

Do not want an answer


Please write your e-mail here in the box:



Postal code


E-mail address